Old Town Collections
Old Town is that small section of Main Street that is nestled in between Black Street and White Street. The fairs, the street concerts, raising money, festivals, all happen in Old Town. Looking for the un-noticed is what this is all about.
Street Scenes
Reflections of Old Town
Reflections can show us more than we would otherwise see. These are reflections of Old Town.
Behind the Scenes
Out of the way and off the beaten path, these images are from the back areas in Old Town.
The Parking Garage
The parking garage in Old Town is shown here using the wide range of tones and feelings.
The People
The People of Old Town are portrayed here as David encounters them in Old Town.
In Living Color
Window Reflections
Streetlight Sentries
Streetlights provide safety as a sentry implies. These images provide a view of Old Town in the darker hours with streetlights wa…